Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Honda Civic 2010 is completely redesigned from its previous models. The new version promises everything that a luxury driver could want in a compact and more economical design.

The 2010 Toyota Corolla has the most to offer in terms of reliability, safety, and comfort. The Corolla has the prestigious and impeccable reputation for quality that the Toyota brand name lends to all of its models.


  1. Honda is the best in its performance and consumption..

  2. more info!!!!
    dude compare it with other models but nice start

  3. yar its hard for corolla nd honda to adjust in our streets of twist and sharp turns.....
    so i think alto is quite bttr:P

  4. well if we talk but honda its models,safety,technology hve never been a prob but corollla has been a bit probbbbbb n inlooks also soooooo honda is better in corolla
